
Myths About Slip and Fall Claims

Top 5 Myths About Slip and Fall Claims Debunked

Have you ever slipped on a wet surface or hit a bump on the road with your foot? If yes, then you are not alone. Slip and fall accidents are more prevalent than envisaged, and they often cause severe injuries. Nevertheless, in trying to seek remedies for such occurrences, a lot of fallacies cover the subject matter. It is time to put to rest some of the myths that people have about slip-and-fall lawsuits.

Also, If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, reaching out to lawyers for slip and fall accidents can provide you with essential guidance. They can help clarify your rights and the compensation you may be entitled to.

Let’s begin:

Myth 1: “It was my fault, so I can’t file a claim”

A lot of people think that if they happen to slip and fall, it is because of their negligence. They presume that they should have exercised more caution or alertness. But the fact is, property owners are obliged by law to keep their premises safe for all people who access their place. If unsafe conditions are created and injuries result, the owners can be held responsible.

Attorneys who represent injured clients in cases of falls do perceive that a number of elements can lead to these occurrences. Perhaps there was a wet spot on the floor that was not attended to, for example, or a staircase that contained a loose step which had not been fixed. Don’t presume you are at fault without professional assistance.

Myth 2: “I don’t need a lawyer for a slip and fall case”

Some people believe that they can manage a slip and fall claim without the help of an attorney. While that is possible, it is usually not advisable. Insurance companies have their claim adjusters and attorneys who work round the clock in order to save the companies from heavy losses in payouts. You may end up getting a much lower compensation than what you rightfully deserve in the absence of legal representation.

A slip and fall accident lawyer can be able to do the following:

  • Go into the merits of the case
  • Collect documentation to back up your claim
  • Advocate with insurers on your behalf
  • Defend yourself in court if needed

Having an expert on such matters in your team can significantly enhance the results of your case.

Myth 3: “If I didn’t report the accident immediately, I can’t file a claim”

It’s never a good idea to delay reporting an incident, but this does not mean you cannot make a claim. In some cases, the effects of a slip an individual takes may not manifest immediately. For instance, you may go to bed feeling fine, only to find yourself in uncomfortable pain upon waking the next day, or you may think the injury is so insignificant, only to find out after a week or so that it is much more serious.

Premises liability attorneys will assist you in dealing with these issues. They are familiar with the time limits within which one can bring up a claim, and therefore, knowing that some time has elapsed since the accident will suggest the most appropriate steps you can take.

Myth 4: “Slip and fall claims are always frivolous”

Jokes about people pretending to fall so as to take legal action against certain companies are probably common. As a result of this stereotype, many people hold the view that all the claims made regarding slip and fall accidents are without any merit. However, this is not how things are.

People also fall down and get hurt in ways that invite injuries like:

  • Fractures
  • Injuries to the spinal column
  • Brain injuries caused by external forces
  • Injuries to skin, muscle and connective tissue

Such injuries can incur high treatment costs, loss of income, and have adverse health effects in the future. This is why attorneys practicing in this area of law do not joke with such cases as they know the extent of damage accidents of this nature can cause in the lives of persons.

Myth 5: “The property owner didn’t know about the hazard, so they’re not liable”

Some users consider that, if the property owner didn’t know about the condition, then that’s why an accident occurred, then, he has no liability. Nevertheless, the statutes are frequently broader in scope, for example, going beyond what the property owner had actual knowledge of to include what they should have known.

For instance, let’s say a store owner never inspects their shop for useable items – this may also create a possibility of bringing about injuries that may have been avoided had certain measures been taken. This is where it helps to have an experienced lawyer for slip and fall accidents and other forms of work-related injuries. A beneficial attorney will be able to demonstrate that the owner of the premises breached his or her responsibility in ensuring safety was adhered to in the given premises.

Conclusion: Don’t Let Myths Hold You Back

Slip and fall injuries can affect anyone at any place and at any time. Nevertheless, such myths should not deter you from seeking the deserved compensation if you should be the victim of the negligence of another. However every case differs and it is wise to seek the service of a professional in such matters.

If you have ever been a victim of a slip and fall accident, consider getting in touch with the premises liability lawyers at The Law Offices Of Eslamboly Hakim. Our team will clarify all your doubts and help with every stage of your claim. We understand how much everybody wants to move on with the new life thus we will be with you taking care of all the legal formalities.

Daniel Tan

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